English. This site presents listings of competitions organised throughout the world Detailed descriptions of competitions include information about the sponsor, the country of origin, language, eligibility, the prize and the jury. Archived listings of past competitions and results can be found in the “results” section.

Ordre des architectes de Tunisie

French and Arabic. Under “actualités” and “concours”, this site announces results of competitions held in Tunisia, as well as their archives (2010). Most of it is in French, and some publications are in Arabic.


Dutch. This site provides listings of active competitions held in the Netherlands and around the world. The interface allows classification according to date or registration deadline, and also displays the date of submission. In addition to competition announcements, there are prize and contract announcements, classified under “all categories”. Some descriptions are only available in Dutch.


English. The site presents competitions and projects held in Ireland and around the world.

Manitoba Association of Architects

English. The professional associaton’s site offers a section on different methods of selecting an architect for a project including direct selection, design competitions, of quality based selection. This section is intended for clients and sponsors.

Danish Association of Architects

Danish. The professional associaton’s site offers a section on competitions. Several sub-sections describe the function of the Danish Architects’ Association (Rules) and provide information about the jury (Fagdommere), particularly in regard to the qualities of a good juror (In god fagdomme) and selection criteria (Udvælgelseskriterier). In the “Rules” sub-section, the “konkurrenceformer” link proposes and defines several types or forms of competitions.

Royal Institute of British Architects

English. The professional association’s site offers a section on competitions as managed by their association. Sub sections have case studies, a brief description of competition management services, and a link to order their “Competitions booklet”. This section is intended for customers and sponsors.

Finnish Association of Architects

Finnish. The professional association’s site offers a section on competitions (kilpailut kilpailusäännöt), which has documents about the association’s laws for competitions (SAFA kilpailusäännöt 2008), the principles surrounding the competition for public commission (Rakennusalan kilpailuperiaatteet 2006), the judgement and quality assurance criteria (Oikeusturva-ja laatukriteerit 2004) and the recommendations of the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE Recomendation for Design Contests 2007).