Students |
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Books |
cover book 1 |
cover book 2 |
Albayat,Yousra |
1 |
1/ Alexander, Christopher; Ishikawa Sara; Silverstein, Murray, A Pattern Language: towns, buildings, construction, New York: Oxford University Press, 1977
2/ ByIain Borden, Barbara Penner, Jane Rendell, (eds.) Gender Space Architecture: An Interdisciplinary Introduction, London, Routledge, 1999 |
Amyot,Ludovic |
Assikar,Hatim |
Audifax Gauthier,Charlotte |
Avci,Emine |
Balthazar,Charles |
2 |
1/ Banham, Reyner, Megastructure: Urban Futures of the Recent Past, New York: Harper and Row, 1976
2/ Paul Jenkins, Leslie Forsyth (eds.) Architecture, Participation and Society, London, Routledge, 2009 |
Bégin-Houde,Laetitia |
Begorre,Audrey |
Bellemare,Sofia |
Bergeron,Camille |
Beyrouti,Jad |
3 |
1/ Bouchain Patrick, Construire autrement, Actes Sud, 2016
2/ Jen Jack Gieseking, William Mangold, Cindi Katz, Setha Low, Susan Saegert (eds.) The People, Place, and Space Reader, London, Routledge, 2014 |
Bicari,Adjani |
Bombardier,Jean-Victor |
Bovet,Sandrine |
Brissette,Valérie |
Cadieux,Gabrielle |
4 |
1/ Charney, Melvin (sous la direction de Louis Martin), Pour une définition de l’architecture au Québec et autres essais, Montréal : Potential Architecture Books, 2018.
2/ Emmanuel Petit (ed.), Reckoning with Colin Rowe: Ten Architects Take Position, New York, Routledge, 2015 |
Carpentier,Maude |
Circé-Kerry,Charles |
Cojocaru,Mathilde |
Côté,Rachel |
Cubasova,Anastasia |
5 |
1/ Farmer, John, Green Shift: Towards a Green Sensibility in Architecture, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996
2/ Sharky, Bruce; Thinking about Landscape Architecture: Principles of a Design Profession for the 21st Century, London, Routledge, 2016 |
De Gasquet,Alban |
Desroches,Noémie |
Diop,Fatou Aminata |
Dorcent,Alain |
6 |
1/ Hertzberger, Herman, Leçons d’architecture, Gollion: inFolio, 2010 [1991]
2/ Fisher, Thomas; Architectural Design and Ethics, London, Routledge, 2008 |
Dufault,Laurie |
Dufort,Rachelle |
Dussault-Drainville,Félix |
Eglaüs,Violeine |
Eladnani,Hajar |
7 |
1/ Jacobs, Jane, Déclin et survie des grandes villes américaines, Liège, Belgique : Pierre Mardaga, 1991 [1961]
2/ Wolfgang F. E. Preiser, Edward White, Harvey Rabinowitz; Post-Occupancy Evaluation (Routledge Revivals), London, Routledge, 2015 |
El-Hayek,Tatiana |
Farhat,Ali |
Fournier,Marc-Antoine |
Gaudreault,Maxime |
Georgeault,Cassandre |
8 |
1/ Kahn, Louis I., Silence et lumière: choix de conférences et d’entretiens, 1955-1974, Paris: Linteau,1996
2/ Boys, Jos (ed.); Disability, Space, Architecture: A Reader, London, Routledge, 2017 |
Gratton,Virginie |
Grenier-Carpintero,Laurence |
Jean-Paul,Mallory |
Juneau,Catherine |
Labarre,Elisabeth |
9 |
1/ Koolhaas, Rem, Junkspace : repenser radicalement l’espace urbain, (trad. Daniel Agacinski), Paris : Payot et Rivages, 2011.
2/ Doina Petrescu, Kim Trogal (eds.); The Social (Re)Production of Architecture: Politics, Values and Actions in Contemporary Practice, London, Routledge, 2017 |
Lapointe,Elisabeth |
Laurin Pagé,Raphaël |
Légaré-Deslauriers,Olivier |
Legault-Dignard,Mathilde |
Lemkahouen,Oumaima |
10 |
1/ Leach, n. Turnbull, d. Williams, c. (eds) Digital Tectonics, Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-academy, 2004
2/ Grinceri, Daniel; Architecture as Cultural and Political Discourse: Case studies of conceptual norms and aesthetic practices, London, Routledge, 2016 |
L’Espérance,Elizabeth |
Lessard,Béatrice |
Ligot,Maïté |
Ly,Fiona |
Madore,Benoit |
11 |
1/ Lefaivre, Liane; Alexander C. Tzonis, Critical Regionalism: Architecture and Identity in a Globalized World, Munich: Prestel, 2003
2/ Boano, Camillo; The Ethics of a Potential Urbanism: Critical encounters between Giorgio Agamben and architecture, London, Routledge, 2016 |
Mailhot,Emilie |
Martin,Jade |
Masse-Leblanc,Valérie |
Michel-Nadeau,Simon |
Morrier,Vincent |
12 |
1/ McDonough, William; Braungart, Michael, Cradle to cradle : créer et recycler à l’infini, Paris : Alternatives, 2011
2/ Awotona, Adenrele (ed.); Planning for Community-based Disaster Resilience Worldwide: Learning from Case Studies in Six Continents, London, Routledge, 2016 |
Nélias,Philippe |
Ouellet,Nathan |
Pagé,Alexandra |
Pagé-Roy,Florence |
13 |
1/ Picon, Antoine; Culture numérique et architecture : une introduction, Basel : Birkhauser, 2010
2/ Netto, Vinicius M.; The Social Fabric of Cities, London, Routledge, 2016 |
Painson-Ehler,Isabel |
Paradis,Camille |
Pelland,Marianne |
Perron,Eve |
Pesce,Angelo |
14 |
1/ Rowe, Colin; Slutzky, Robert; Hoesli, Bernhard, Transparency, Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser Verlag, 1997
2/ Lisa M. Abendroth, Bryan Bell (eds.); Public Interest Design Education Guidebook: Curricula, Strategies, and SEED Academic Case Studies, New York, Routledge, 2018 |
Pilarezyk,Philippe |
Ponton,Vincent |
Poulin,Julie-Anne |
Ramachandran,Aaranya |
Ricard,Sophia |
15 |
1/ Rudofsky, Bernard, Architecture sans architectes, Paris: Chêne, 1977
2/ Fisher, Thomas; The Architecture of Ethics, London, Routledge, 2018 |
Rioux,Lauriane |
Rochon-Haché,Camille |
Roy,Florence |
Roy,Marianne |
Roy,Rosemarie |
16 |
1/ Secchi, Bernardo, Première Leçon d’Urbanisme, Collection: Eupalinos / A+U, 2006
2/ Gage; Mark Foster; Designing Social Equality: Architecture, Aesthetics, and the Perception of Democracy, New York, Routledge, 2018 |
Rozon,Julien |
Salloum,Christelle |
Singh,Manpreet |
Goussanou, Chris Axel |
Tétreault,Joëlle |
17 |
1/ Smithson, Alison (sous la direction de), Team 10 Primer, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1968 [1966]
2/ Garduño Freeman; Cristina; Participatory Culture and the Social Value of an Architectural Icon: Sydney Opera House, London, Routledge, 2017 |
Therrien,Laury-Ann |
Thivierge,Rebecca |
Tourigny,Marie-Ève |
Tremblay,Emrick |
18 |
1/ Venturi, Robert; Denise Scott Brown; Steven Izenour, L’enseignement de Las Vegas. 2e éd, Wavre: Mardaga, 2007 [1972]
2/ Leatherbarrow, David; Wesley, Richard, Three Cultural Ecologies, London, Routledge, 2018 |
Tremblay,Sarah |
Trudel,Roxane |
Valois,Justine |
Vasile,Alexandra-Ioana |
19 |
1/ Vidler, Anthony, The Architectural Uncanny: Essays in the Modern Unhomely, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1992
2/ Griffero, Tonino; Places, Affordances, Atmospheres: A Pathic Aesthetics, London, Routledge, 2019 |
Vincent,Ithia |
Yordanova,Teodora Ivanova |
Zriouil,Chaimaà |