Mapping theoretical issues and sustainable strategies in Canadian public space design competitions
Title of Project :
Cartographie théorique des enjeux et stratégies durables dans les concours canadiens de design pour l’espace public (2003-2011)
Grant Organization :
Fonds Quebecois de recherche société et culture
Project leader :
Carmela Cucuzzella
Matthew MacKay-Lyons (Concordia University)
Lupe Perez (Concordia University)
Research Abstract:
In 1998, the US Green Building Council (USGBC) introduced Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). In 2003, this environmental standard was launched in Canada by the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC). Since then, architectural projects and in particular, architectural competitions in Canada have increasingly adopted this standard to address sustainability. However, as this standard only focuses on the environmental pillar of sustainability, the question that arises is: how have architects and planners dealt with the other pillars of sustainability in their projects? More specifically: how have the questions and strategies regarding sustainability evolved since 2003 in Canadian architectural competitions – in the competition brief, in the proposals by the competing architects and in the way these projects are finally judged in order to select the winning project? The objective of this research is to chart out these developing questions, concerns and strategies by constructing a map (cartography) and categorizing these within the four sustainability pillars (culture, social, environmental and economic) for the period of 2003-2011. This mapping will provide a first perspective of how public planners, architects and the jurors of public design competitions address the sustainability concerns in Canada. The pertinence of this research is that the results may help improve the way in which the sustainability issues are addressed in upcoming Canadian design projects for planning public space through this mapping – a mapping which provides an understanding of the current direction.
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