Manitoba Association of Architects

English. The professional associaton’s site offers a section on different methods of selecting an architect for a project including direct selection, design competitions, of quality based selection. This section is intended for clients and sponsors.

Royal Institute of British Architects

English. The professional association’s site offers a section on competitions as managed by their association. Sub sections have case studies, a brief description of competition management services, and a link to order their « Competitions booklet ». This section is intended for customers and sponsors.

Ordre des architectes du Québec

French. The professional association’s site offers a section on architecture competitions. This page includes a link to download the association’s « Guide des concours d’architecture » (2008), which addresses rules regarding professional advisors, architectural program regulation, the jury’s duty, prizes and wages, and also defines terminology relative to competitions.

Ordre des architectes

French. The professional association’s site offers a section on public commissions and competitions. Multiple documents are available on this subject, for example the « guide de la commande publique d’architecture et le guide de l’architecte juré ». In addition to downloadable publications, the section provides multiple useful links (Legislative documents, forms for candidates, public competition notices, etc.)

Design Montréal

French and English. The site for the « Bureau de design de la ville de Montréal » provides a 3 part article « Cahiers des bonnes pratiques en design » in « Nos publications ». The « Cahier des bonnes pratiques 2 » deals with « Trois processus performants pour favoriser l’excellence en design urbain : panel, atelier et concours. » The documents are available in french only.

The Lyceum Fellowship

English. Established in 1985, these ideas competitions encourage new talent by creating a vehicle for the circulation of creative ideas between different American schools of architecture. On the Lyceum Fellowship website, you can see images of the winning projects in recent years.

Union internationale des architectes

French and English. The site offers a section on competitions that proposes the reasons for holding an international competition (Pourquoi un concours international?). The « ressources et documents UIA » section announces the « Guide UIA des concours internationaux », which can be obtained in French or in English when requested from the General Secretariat of the UIA.


Spanish. This site presents announcements of international student competitions organized in Spain by arquideas. Under « concursos arquideas » are displayed and archived the announcements of these competitions. The link « + info » refers to an exhaustive descriptive card, which displays among other things, the type of contest, the date of submission and the date of the jury.