Singapore Institute of Architects

English. The professional association’s website offers a section on competitions. Information is provided on how to organize an architectural competition through the association, and the criteria for evaluating entries.

Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Planificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori

Italian. The professional association’s website offers a section on competitions and the services provided by the association to organizers. This page includes several informative documents available for download concerning various protocols and procedures to be followed when organizing an architectural competition.

Architects Association of Iceland

Icelandic. The professional association’s website offers a section on competitions. Information is provided on how to organize an architectural competition through the association.

Architects Sweden

English and Swedish. The professional association’s site offers a section on architecture competitions (Competitions rules for architecture competitions in Sweden) which addresses the regulations, types of competitions, forms, eligibility, the jury, anonymity, costs, legal aspects, etc.

Manitoba Association of Architects

English. The professional associaton’s site offers a section on different methods of selecting an architect for a project including direct selection, design competitions, of quality based selection. This section is intended for clients and sponsors.

Finnish Association of Architects

Finnish. The professional association’s site offers a section on competitions (kilpailut kilpailusäännöt), which has documents about the association’s laws for competitions (SAFA kilpailusäännöt 2008), the principles surrounding the competition for public commission (Rakennusalan kilpailuperiaatteet 2006), the judgement and quality assurance criteria (Oikeusturva-ja laatukriteerit 2004) and the recommendations of the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE Recomendation for Design Contests 2007).

Architecture Canada

French and English. the institute’s site includes a section on architecture competitions. Sub-sections include the RAIC’s and provincial association’s roles, the objectives and benifits of architecture competitions, competiton categories, types, prizes, budget, etc.

Australian Institute of Architects

English. The professional association has a guide entitled “Competitions Guidelines” available for download in PDF format under the “community” category. This document is introductory, easily consultable, which includes recommendations about the process, types of competitions, the client’s, competitor’s and the professional consultant’s roles, compensation, the professional association’s involvement and functions it can provide, the importance of the “Design Brief”, suggested conditions for a competition and supporting documentation, the jury, the prizes, etc.

Design Montréal

French and English. The site for the “Bureau de design de la ville de Montréal” provides a 3 part article “Cahiers des bonnes pratiques en design” in “Nos publications”. The “Cahier des bonnes pratiques 2” deals with “Trois processus performants pour favoriser l’excellence en design urbain : panel, atelier et concours.” The documents are available in french only.

Ordre des architectes du Québec

French. The professional association’s site offers a section on architecture competitions. This page includes a link to download the association’s “Guide des concours d’architecture” (2008), which addresses rules regarding professional advisors, architectural program regulation, the jury’s duty, prizes and wages, and also defines terminology relative to competitions.