Mapping the impact of rising oceans on high-rise buildings worldwide

Mandana Bafghinia and Jean-Pierre Chupin, assisted by master's student Conor DeSantis, publish a report funded by the Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitats   To discover the maps:   To consult the report: Bafghinia, M., Chupin, J.-P., Skyscrapers as a Complex Response to Rising Waters: Resilience and Adaptability. Report summarizing the result of ... Read more

Two Post-Docs Join the Partnership on Quality Coordination Team

Following public consultation and job posting, two postdoctoral researchers have been recruited to assist the SSHRC Quality in the Built Environment (QBE) partnership coordination team. Maria Patricia Farfan Sopo, a new doctor from McGill University, is funded by the partnership's SSHRC budget, while Morteza Hazbei, a new doctor from Concordia University, is funded by the ... Read more

The 4 videos of the 2nd SSHRC Quality Partnership Online Convention are now freely available

Recordings of the 4 sessions of the SSHRC Quality Partnership's second online convention are now freely available. The research partnership is entitled Quality in Canada's Built Environment: Roadmaps to Equity, Social Value and Sustainability, and brings together 14 universities, 70 researchers and nearly 70 institutions, cities and citizen groups until 2027.   This second meeting ... Read more

4 doctoral students receive scholarships from the Canada Research Chair in Architecture (CRC-ACME)

The following four doctoral students in architecture each receive a $12,000 scholarship for 2023-2024 from the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence, held by Jean-Pierre Chupin. Shantanu Biswas Linkon, architect originally from Bangladesh Paloma Castonguay-Rufino, Canadian architect of Spanish origin Yolene Handabaka Ames, Canadian architect originally from Peru Cyrille Jérôme Tchango ... Read more

Lucie Palombi wins a $12,500 doctoral scholarship from the Fondation de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ)

The jury responsible for evaluating doctoral candidates submitted to the 2023-2024 scholarship competition, made up of professors from Quebec universities and BAnQ specialists, has awarded Lucie Palombi a $12,500 doctoral scholarship for her project entitled "Textualité et projet en architecture - Approche interprétative et comparative d'écrits rédigés par des architectes québécois". Lucie is completing her ... Read more

Jean-Pierre Chupin denounces the confusion between online surveys and project competitions in an open letter relayed by La Presse, TVA and Kollectif

"Survey versus Competition: Simulacrum and Democracy" - Open letter co-signed by Jean-Pierre Chupin and Jacques White about the cancellation of the competition for the National Memorial to Canada's Mission in Afghanistan. When it comes to judging art or architecture projects, an online survey is a "mockery of democracy" that can't replace either a design competition ... Read more

Conference-debate on the history of architecture schools in France and Quebec

Date: January 31, 2023, 5:30 pm. Location: Amphitheatre 1120, Faculté de l’aménagement, Université de Montréal. On the occasion of the publication in 2022 of L’architecture en ses écoles, une encyclopédie, we welcome Daniel Le Couédic, architect and historian, professor at the University of Western Brittany, and co-director of the book. Around Lucie K. Morisset, professor ... Read more

RAIC and Canadian Architect magazine present a summary of the Calgary convention by Jean-Pierre Chupin

In a new RAIC journal article included in the most recent issue of Canadian Architect, Université de Montréal Professor and Project Director Jean-Pierre Chupin touches on new understandings of architectural quality and how the SSHRC research partnership has approached them so far. Click here to read the article. To quote this paper: Chupin, Jean-Pierre, « ... Read more