The CRC-ACME coordinates a major research partnership funded by the SSHRC
The CRC-ACME announces its involvement in the partnership Quality of the Built Environment in Canada: Roadmaps to Equity, Social Value and Sustainability. Funded by SSHRC until 2027, this partnership brings together 14 universities, 70 researchers and 68 public and private organizations.
The FRQSC renews LEAP’s team subvention until 2027
The project, entitled Potentials of Architectural Quality: Equity, Sustainability and Cultural Openness, will have Jean-Pierre Chupin (Ph. D.) as team coordinator. The amount of the subvention granted to the LEAP by the FRQSC is $423,420 and will be spread over a 4-year period.
The Rise of Awards in Architecture, a new book edited by Chupin, Cucuzzella and Adamczyk
The Rise of Awards in Architecture is the first scientific study to focus on awards in architecture and the built environment. This book analyzes in detail what these awards are meant to embody, symbolize and measure. Find out the authors’ thoughts on their respective chapters in video!
Block 2 design competition
Video of Albena Yaneva’s conference at the University of Montreal in collaboration with IDEAS-BE
The conference allowed Albena Yaneva to present her research, while the graduate seminar orchestrated by Albena Yaneva provided an opportunity for doctoral students to present and discuss their research topic with their colleagues and professors.
Conference: Post-Covid Architecture (A Latourian Perspective)
The COVID 19 pandemic has raised new questions about the interrelations between architecture, science and society. This conference aims to show the extent of the transformative potential that the crisis has exerted on the architects’ practices.
Jean-Pierre Chupin and Lucie Palombi present doctoral research in architecture.
Jean-Pierre Chupin (Professor at the School of Architecture of the Université de Montréal) and Lucie Palombi (Individualized PhD student in architecture) talk about research in architecture and their research projects in the field in this short video. Enjoy watching!
Between experimentation and standardization: Architects and engineers in search of solutions
All Governor General’s Medals in Architecture in Canada gathered on a map and a visual gallery
The Atlas of Research on Exemplarity in Architecture and the Built Environment, in collaboration with the Canada Council for the Arts and the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, presents all buildings and places recipient of a Governor General Medal in Architecture since 1982 on a interactive map and in a visual gallery.