Doctoral scholarships (New deadline March 1st 2021 for September 2021)
La Chaire de recherche du Canada en architecture, concours et médiations de l’excellence (CRC-ACME) sollicite des candidatures pour des bourses doctorales. Chaque bourse sera accompagnée d’un contrat de recherche et soutiendra une étudiante ou un étudiant dans la réalisation d’un projet (…)
The Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence is seeking applications for doctoral scholarships. Each grant will come with a research contract and will support a student whose doctoral research will be tightly linked to the research program of the chair, which is dedicated to the study of architectural quality in terms of awards of excellence and competition processes. (https://crc.umontreal.ca)
In general, research theme proposals should contribute to the history and theory of contemporary definitions of architectural quality. In particular, the proposals should focus on clarifying the parameters of comparative approaches and how such methods will build on the joint study of competition and award-winning projects and buildings in Canada. (see Canadian Competitions Catalogue www.ccc.umontreal.ca and Atlas of Excellence in Architecture www.architecture-excellence.org).
The thesis will be directed by Prof. Jean-Pierre Chupin, Ph.D. (https://crc.umontreal.ca/chercheur/jean-pierre-chupin/), but a co-supervision with a CRC-ACME (UdeM) associate professor could be considered depending on the specific directions of the research project.
Each scholarship of CAD $ 20,000 per year will be awarded for a minimum of two years and a maximum of four years depending on academic and scientific achievements (publications, conferences, etc.). They will be accompanied by CRC-ACME research contracts (of at least CAD $ 5,000 per year) and, depending on available funds, by travel or research grants from the Laboratoire d’étude de l’architecture potentielle (www.leap-architecture.org). Successful candidates may also benefit from admission grants and scholarships offered by the Faculté d’Aménagement and Université de Montréal.
Other conditions:
- The thesis can be presented in French or in English, but the candidate must be able to attend seminars and courses in French (proof of a sufficient level of proficiency in French [or English if it is the chosen drafting language] will be required for the final registration)
- Registration must be done in the individualized PhD program in architecture (https://architecture.umontreal.ca/programmes-detudes/phd-individualise-en-architecture/), full-time. Grants are conditional on full admission. The official application deadline is February 1, 2021. An excellent application portfolio may allow for late registration.
- Length: the scholarship will be delivered in 4 instalments starting in Fall 2021. (Registration officially take effect beginning September 1, 2021, but the scholarship can be issued earlier for Canadian applicants or those already having obtained a visa). Renewal of the scholarship will be conditional on performance in courses and seminars as well as successful completion of the intermediate comprehensive exam. This exam can take place as of the 4th trimester of registration (must have been done at the latest the 6th quarter) and determines the transition to “thesis writing”.
- Other Sources of Funding: Successful applicants will be required to apply for grants from both federal and provincial agencies, as well as the MITACS organization. Accumulation with doctoral scholarships from SSHRC or FRQSC is allowed, but the amount of the grant awarded is then reduced by 1/3 of the total amount.
As part of this special CRC-ACME (UdeM) grant, applications should include:
- Examples of publications or research papers in French or English.
- At least two detailed, confidential reference letters proving the applicant’s ability to work as part of a research team.
- A research project (5000 words)
The admissibility of applicant research projects (5000 words document) and CVs must first be validated by contacting Professor Jean-Pierre Chupin. The research project will outline one or more questions concerning a problem in the design, realization, judgment or reception of architectural quality. The theoretical and / or historical elements of the project should refer to previous work, memoirs, research or publications by the candidate. A comparative methodological approach will be favoured.
- As Canada Research Chair, CRC-ACME (UdeM) invites women, indigenous peoples, visible minorities, ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities to apply. We recognize that career breaks can impact the records of achievement without diminishing excellence. If applicable, candidates are encouraged to share the circumstances of any interruptions and to explain their impact on their progress and their record. This information will be considered in the evaluation. When recruiting, we can adapt our selection tools to the needs of people with disabilities upon request.
– For the scholarship and the relationship to the CRC-ACME (UdeM):
Jean-Pierre Chupin (jean-pierre.chupin@umontreal.ca)
– For registration procedures in the individualized Ph.D in architecture:
Diane Martin (diane.martin@umontreal.ca)