Paper in open access in FOOTPRINT (Delft Architecture Theory Journal) #26 (2020) : “This is not a Nest: Transcultural Metaphors and the Paradoxical Politics of International Competitions”

This is Not a Nest: Transcultural Metaphors and the Paradoxical Politics of International Competitions Jean-Pierre Chupin, Université de MontréalPublished in: Footprint, Delft Architectural Theory Journal, issue #26, Vol 14, n1, Spring 2020. Pages: 63-82 Abstract Although the architecture competition has been analysed through a number of rhetorical lenses, the recurring production of transcultural metaphors, particularly ... Read more

Check out the Agenda of Canadian Awards!

Cet AGENDA DES PRIX CANADIENS en architecture et dans les domaines de l’environnement bâti est un chantier en cours. Les informations ont été rassemblées par les chercheurs de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en architecture, concours et médiations de l’excellence (CRC-ACME). 

Opening of the website prefiguring the Atlas of Research on Exemplarity in Architecture (AREA)

The bilingual AREA platform is accessible at: Montreal, November 20, 2019 – Raymond Lalonde, Vice-Chancellor for Relations with Alumni, Partnerships and Philanthropy, Raphaël Fischler, Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Design, and Virginie Portes, Director of Funded Research at the Université de Montréal’s Office of Research, Development and Valorization inaugurated, on Tuesday, November 19th, ... Read more

Carmela Cucuzzella and Jean-Pierre Chupin head a special issue of the Journal of Sustainability Research

Journal of Sustainability Research (Open access journal of Hapres) special issue: "Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design: Alternative Theories for Qualitative Comparisons" Since the turn of the century, theories and practices of sustainable architecture and urban design have been characterized by increasingly normative grids, such as standards, checklists, certifications, etc. As imperative as these normative grids ... Read more

Jean-Pierre Chupin Advisory Committee Member as part of the Québec Strategy for Architecture

Nathalie Roy, Minister of Culture and Communications and Minister Responsible for the French Language, and Andrée Laforest, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Announce the Beginning of the Work to Provide Québec with a Strategy Quebecois architecture. To this end, the Ministry of Culture and Communications (MCC) has invited the Ordre des architectes du Québec ... Read more

Lucie Palombi, doctoral student, receives two awards

March 28, 2019: Lucie Palombi received the scientific prize, the public prize and the prize for the best summary of the Symposium Perspectives 360 organized by the Association of Higher Cycles of the Faculty of Planning for the presentation of her doctoral project in 6 minutes. The funds were donated by the Ivanhoé Cambridge Observatory. ... Read more