Understanding the Awards of Excellence (Issue 191 of Architecture Québec magazine) : Researchers from LEAP and the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence present some results of their recent work on awards of excellence in all areas of design
More than 3000 award-winning projects – designed by more than 1,000 architectural, urban planning and landscape architecture firms in Canada – first recorded in an Atlas of Research on Exemplarity in Architecture (AREA) At the initiative of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and (…)
Paper in open access in FOOTPRINT (Delft Architecture Theory Journal) #26 (2020) : “This is not a Nest: Transcultural Metaphors and the Paradoxical Politics of International Competitions”
Paper in CITIES journal: Cucuzzella, Chupin, Hammond, “Eco-didacticism in art and architecture: Design as means for raising awareness”
New open access book by Jean-Pierre Chupin and G. Stanley Collyer on the role of young architects in competitions
This book presents a collection of data and real-life cases in support of the idea that young offices of architects and planners are able to match or exceed the capabilities of their most experienced competitors when it comes to creating high-quality built environments for the public. The argument is made in (…)
Doctoral scholarships (New deadline March 1st 2021 for September 2021)
La Chaire de recherche du Canada en architecture, concours et médiations de l’excellence (CRC-ACME) sollicite des candidatures pour des bourses doctorales. Chaque bourse sera accompagnée d’un contrat de recherche et soutiendra une étudiante ou un étudiant dans la réalisation d’un projet (…)
Check out the Agenda of Canadian Awards!
Cet AGENDA DES PRIX CANADIENS en architecture et dans les domaines de l’environnement bâti est un chantier en cours. Les informations ont été rassemblées par les chercheurs de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en architecture, concours et médiations de l’excellence (CRC-ACME).