RAIC and Canadian Architect magazine present a summary of the Calgary convention by Jean-Pierre Chupin

In a new RAIC journal article included in the most recent issue of Canadian Architect, Université de Montréal Professor and Project Director Jean-Pierre Chupin touches on new understandings of architectural quality and how the SSHRC research partnership has approached them so far. Click here to read the article. To quote this paper: Chupin, Jean-Pierre, « ... Read more

A doctoral admission grant for Shantanu Biswas-Linkon

The Doctoral Admissions Committee awarded the Graduate Admissions Grant in the amount of $10,000 to new doctoral student Shantanu Biswas-Linkon in recognition of his academic record, research proposal, and clear motivations. Shantanu is enrolled in the Individualized Doctor of Architecture program under the direction of Jean-Pierre Chupin since September 2022.

Conference-debate on the history of architecture schools in France and Quebec

Date: January 31, 2023, 5:30 pm. Location: Amphitheatre 1120, Faculté de l'aménagement, Université de Montréal. On the occasion of the publication in 2022 of L'architecture en ses écoles, une encyclopédie, we welcome Daniel Le Couédic, architect and historian, professor at the University of Western Brittany, and co-director of the book. Around Lucie K. Morisset, professor ... Read more