Jean-Pierre Chupin Advisory Committee Member as part of the Québec Strategy for Architecture

Nathalie Roy, Minister of Culture and Communications and Minister Responsible for the French Language, and Andrée Laforest, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Announce the Beginning of the Work to Provide Québec with a Strategy Quebecois architecture. To this end, the Ministry of Culture and Communications (MCC) has invited the Ordre des architectes du Québec ... Read more

Lucie Palombi, doctoral student, receives two awards

March 28, 2019: Lucie Palombi received the scientific prize, the public prize and the prize for the best summary of the Symposium Perspectives 360 organized by the Association of Higher Cycles of the Faculty of Planning for the presentation of her doctoral project in 6 minutes. The funds were donated by the Ivanhoé Cambridge Observatory. ... Read more

Thesis defense Tiphaine Abenia

Friday, June 7, 2019, at the Research House of the University of Toulouse, Tiphaine Abenia, PhD student in co-supervision between the University of Toulouse (Jean Jaurès) + ENSA Toulouse and the School of Architecture of the University of Toulouse Montreal has defended a thesis entitled: Potential Architecture of the Great Abandoned Structure: Categorization and Projection. ... Read more

Jean-Pierre Chupin cosigns a manifesto for the quality of public constructions

Jean-Pierre Chupin, holder of the Université de Montréal Research Chair on Competitions, is co-signatory of the open letter on service contracts for public bodies, a joint manifesto of the Association of Architects in Private Practice of Quebec (AAPPQ) and the Association of Engineering Consulting Firms - Quebec (AFG) against the bill imposing the rule of ... Read more

Tiphaine Abenia granted “Palladio European Grant 2017”

Félicitations à Tiphaine Abenia, lauréate de la Bourse Palladio 2017 (Pour son travail de thèse intitulé "Le projet d'architecture contemporain à l'épreuve du reclassement : catégorisation des potentiels de la structure urbaine abandonnée", Tiphaine Abenia (directeurs : Jean-Pierre Chupin et Daniel Estevez) (La bourse de la Fondation Palladio soutient des doctorants et jeunes docteurs, français ... Read more

New Book (Translation): Competing for Excellence in Architecture (editorials from the Canadian Competitions Catalogue, 2006 – 2016) Edited by Jean-Pierre Chupin

Montreal, Potential Architecture Books, 322 pages, October 2017   ISBN 978-0-9921317-5-3   A travel guide for those in search of architectural quality, this book can be browsed in many ways. Written in a clear and concise manner by about thirty authors, it features a collection of editorials from the Canadian Competitions Catalogue (CCC), a large online ... Read more